Transparent Charity
Your donations to charity are solely used to cover the preparation, distribution, and management costs.
When you donate money to Charagi Imam Saheb Masjid Waqf Estate ,
you will know for a fact that the your donations are used to help those in need.
Tax Exemption
Being approved under Section 80G of the Income-tax Act.,
your donations made to Charagi Imam Saheb Masjid Waqf Estate are tax exempted.
This means you can claim tax exemption on 50% of the money donated by you to the charity.
Donations are accepted in following categories :
- Issue based institutional/organizational donations.
- Issue based individual donations, under any proposed or on going movement which is run by CISMWE .
In such a case other donor organizations and individuals are duly informed about the inclusion of a new donor.
- Programme oriented organizational donation/ Grant in aid. In this case the new donor organization is included
in the programme only after the prior approval of existing donor / consortium.
Or the new donor can take up the similar programme in a new field area where CISMWE operates.
Infrastructural Support Donation in Cash or Kind.
General Purposes Charity Donations.
Donations under Corporate Social Responsibility.
Miscellaneous Support to any Campaign, Conference, Rally, Meeting, Tour etc.